Friday, May 23, 2008


So this is the reincarnation of a previous blog I created in summer 2007 to chronicle the fortunes of FC Barcelona, the greatest football club in the world. I had high hopes and ambitions for the previous blog, but due to demands on my time and sloth--mainly sloth--the previous blog had a grand total of three posts by yours truly. I'm starting a new one now in part because I simply love the club so much and think that having an FCB blog is a fun hobby. However, I've become increasingly engaged in following and discussing football online, and I'd like to contribute whatever limited insights I may have on current footballing events to the online football community.

I won't be so rash as to claim that this blog will be a source of up-to-the-minute news with the latest scores and the latest transfer news. It won't. Much of what I write will be opinion pieces, but I certainly anticipate improving upon my previous blogging track record and will try to comment as regularly as possible. As an American news and information junkie, I also hope to bring a unique perspective and spin to news involving the club.

Comments and criticisms are very welcome. I hope you enjoy!